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Crisis Skylight Coventry & Warwickshire

Crisis Skylight Coventry and Warwickshire is now closed. If you need support regarding your homeless situation, please contact the local authority in your area on the numbers below.

Coventry City Council: 024 7683 4025 or out of hours: 024 7683 2222
North Warwickshire Council: 01827 715351 or out of hours: 0300 303 5573
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council: 024 7637 6406 or out of hours: 024 7638 2153
Rugby Borough Council: 01788 533468 or out of hours: 01788 579706
Warwick District Council: 01926 456129 or out of hours: 0300 303 5573

Crisis Skylight Coventry and Warwickshire was an outreach service that provided expert help to find safe housing, opportunities to gain new skills and wellbeing advice through combined support, face-to-face, and over the phone. 



Volunteer in Coventry

We often have volunteer roles as classroom assistants, receptionists, administrators and more.

Volunteer in Coventry
Homelessness is not inevitable

Together with homeless people and our supporters, we've achieved real change.
