Crisis Skylight Newcastle works with people over the age of 16 who are experiencing homelessness, or immediately at risk of homelessness.
Our Engagement and Assessment team will assess your initial support needs. We'll provide you with information, advice and guidance and create a plan with you around how we can support you to sustainably end your homelessness.
We can support you to access our Learning and Skills support that includes budgeting, cooking sessions, arts sessions, fitness sessions, woodwork and DIY sessions to help make your house a home. We have day trips and projects to get involved in such as Chopwell Woods Outdoor Activities, Volunteering in the Community and more.
We also provide a Coaching service to offer longer term support to people to work towards achieving their goals and to address any areas that may be contributing to their homelessness.
Our work is supported by clinical psychologists, housing law specialists, Volunteering and Events teams.
To access support, visit us for our Engagement and Assessment Gateway on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30am-1.30pm.